Thursday, March 28, 2013

Triannual Freakout

Oh, MAN!  I was thisclose to never having to read Sarah Orne Jewett again.

I think it's about time to make a super-OCD master schedule for orals study...

(Conference paper on Dickens' slutty wives, which I'm SUPPOSEDLY writing over spring break.)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Plus It's True

"Baby, It's Cold Outside" is one of the few Christmas carols that I wish could transcend its genre and get tons of general radio play. I mean, I really, really love some carols* and am delighted by carols as a group, but my love for them would probably be impacted by their removal from the seasonal atmosphere. However, it's cold outside a lot here. And flirtation is not just for Christmastime!

*You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
Do You Hear What I Hear
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
O Holy Night
Mary's Boy Child

(Women's/gender history final paper, introduction)


The best time to install complicated software is when I am supposed to be doing something else on the computer, as this makes it seem fun and naughty!

Instead of just confusing and time-consuming and probably not, in the end, going to work the way I think, about which I will not be computer-literate enough to do anything.

(Women's/Gender History final paper, notes/quotes stage)

The First Post

It's come to my attention that I am on Facebook, about which I feel definitely ambivalent, about 99% more frequently while I am meant to be writing a paper. It seems clear that I am desperately seeking the following:
*a break
*someone to talk to
*a place where thoughts are allowed, nay encouraged, to be random and non-linear
As such, I am starting this blog for the purpose of writing what I am actually thinking when I'm supposed to be thinking about my paper (not to even mention writing it). This will save friends and family members from unnecessary Gmail status changes, Facebook posts, and various other incursions.